An photo of Will Matthews

Hello, my name is Will Matthews.

I work with the Adobe Creative Suite and other digital tools to produce video packages, motion graphics, and other digital content.

A deep love for films, music, and photography has led to a passion for working in a variety of digital mediums, with a strong value of striving for the highest quality I can achieve.

My Skillset

Video Production

Behind the camera or in the editing bays, I've garnered experience working particularily in the genres of documentaries, journalist reporting, narrative filmmaking, and marketing packages. These include roles as videographer, assembly editor, graphics production, and audio mixing and mastering.

Motion Graphics

I've created motion graphics for both entertainment and marketing/brand identity purposes, with a strong confidence in my abilities to meet the vision and expected quality of a commision or project. Adobe After Effects has become a staple in my workflow, and I continue to look for new ways to expand my knowledge in the program.

Graphic Design

Through work experiences and university classes, I've had many opportunities to develop a vast field of expertise in the Adobe Suite and similar software. My graphic design work has primarily been featured as marketing material for the organizations I've worked for.

Web Design

Web design has become a skillset formed from my passion for learning new things. A university course and an internship project were all it took for me to become hooked enough to delve deep into the complexities of HTML and CSS (currently, I'm in the midst of teaching myself JavaScript as well). I've developed internal web resources and maintained corporate websites as part of my prior work experiences.

Former Experience

Away from Keyboard

When I'm not working, you can find me jamming on my bass guitar, keeping score at baseball games, or perusing the local record store.

Will at a baseball game with his mother and father
Will taking a selfie with his bass guitar
Will playing catcher for the WSU club baseball team
Will behind the camera